Regina Garnett Regina Garnett



i’m not saying there will be signs… BUT there will be signs. The damage that can happen overtime and I stress- OVERTIME, can cause hair to never grow back in some spots. So let me ask you this are your tape- ins really worth it?

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Regina Garnett Regina Garnett

WTF Is Trending for Fall?!

This month, I will be talking about how you can stay warm and stylish at once. Fall is a funny season because it’s that awkward transition period where you can’t decide if you want to keep wearing those bright summer colors, or admit defeat to the cold and pull those sweaters back out.

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Regina Garnett Regina Garnett

The Secret To Keeping Your Extensions Brand New in the Ocean

Now that we’re (almost) coming up to the warmer months, I wanted to talk about hair care in the ocean! I recently went on an amazing trip to Puerto Rico and swam in the beautiful ocean. However, with extensions, comes a little more maintenance in the water. I talked with Regina to figure out how to keep my hair extensions shiny, hydrated, and soft while swimming in saltwater. The secret to keeping it brand new in the ocean.

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Regina Garnett Regina Garnett

What’s Trending for Spring 2022?!

Happy April Extension Arts Family! I hope everyone is having a beautiful month so far. In this month’s blog post, I wanted to talk about Boston girl spring trends! The other day, I went down Newbury Street and watched all the girls walk by for some spring fashion inspo. I’ll give you guys the complete breakdown of it all.

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Regina Garnett Regina Garnett


At Extension Arts, we love transparency – and we know you appreciate it too. Unfortunately, our pricing isn’t black and white as every client will require something different to achieve their dream look. We created this blog post to help you understand what goes into our pricing, and how to better estimate the cost involved before submitting your new client submission form.

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Regina Garnett Regina Garnett

Q&A With Regina Marie

Q: Why doesn’t my curl last as long when I do it at home?

A: I get this question all the time – so don’t worry, you’re not alone. Here are my top 3 tips for getting salon-quality curls at home.

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Regina Garnett Regina Garnett

3 Reasons Why Tape-Ins are So Out

When tape-in extensions became widely popular a few years ago, you probably thought to yourself “Tape? In my…hair?” Your gut instinct is usually right – and in this case, it definitely was. Despite marketing efforts to convince you otherwise, tape-ins are extremely damaging to your natural hair. Let’s talk about why.

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Regina Garnett Regina Garnett

Caring For Your Natural Hair + Hair Extensions in the Winter Months

The cold winters can be really harsh on your hair. The element of winter that is most damaging to your hair is the lack of humidity. The dryness of the season can make your hair more brittle. Protect your natural hair and hair extensions by adding these easy winter hair care tips to your hair care routine.

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Regina Garnett Regina Garnett

WTF Is Trending?!

Happy New Year’s Everyone!! Manifesting a positive 2022 full of growth, happiness, and a whole lot of fun!

With a new year comes new trends. So, WTF is the new trend now?!

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Regina Garnett Regina Garnett

From Amelia: Pair Holiday Hair

I would love to share some of my favorite styles that would be perfect for the holidays! These are great for Christmas dinner with your loved ones, a Friendsgiving, etc. 

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Regina Garnett Regina Garnett

I was a Beauty School Dropout.

I was a beauty school dropout. Yup. Over and over again. I probably dropped out at least 3x. Maybe more. I tried two separate schools and I barely showed up to either and when I did, I almost never took it seriously. Until, Something serendipitous happened…

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